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Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
SMT +cogwheel 7, 8
SMT +globe & cogwheel 7
SMT SAGAR +cogwheel 7
SMT SIDDHAPURA +cogwheel 7
SN +cogwheel 25
SNI +cogwheel 9
SODYCO +cogwheel & arcs 12
SOLANKI +plant & cogwheel 7, 12
SOLDER seal +cogwheel 1
SONA +plant & cogwheel 35
SONA 24 CARAT +cogwheel 34
SONALIKA +plant & cogwheel 7, 12
SONALIKA BRAND +cogwheel 7
SOND GEARS +cogwheel 7, 35
SOPHY +woman stars cogwheel 21
cogwheel 14
SOVEREIGN +cogwheel & wreat 41
SP +cogwheel 7, 11, 30, 42
SP SAKSHI PRINTS +cogwheel 24
SP SEAMEX +cogwheel 7
SP SEEMA PRINTS +cogwheel 24
cogwheel 24
SPARE HOUSE +cogwheel 35
SPARROW +cogwheel & globe 31
SPECTEC TECHNO +cogwheel 7
SPEEDCRAFTS +cogwheel 12
SPEEDO +cogwheel 35
SPG gears +cogwheel 12
cogwheel 9, 16, 41, 42
SPROCKET +cogwheel 9, 12, 35
SPS +cogwheel 7, 9
SPS GROUP +cogwheel 35
SPW +cogwheel & stars 12
SR +ovals & cogwheel 34
SR RAJAN +cogwheel 9
cogwheel 35
SR SHREYASH +cogwheel 29
SRA BEST +stars & cogwheel 7
cogwheel 30
SRI RAM +trident & cogwheel 30
SRS LALA +hand & cogwheel 31
SS SAJAN SARITA +cogwheel 25
SS SAJAN sarita +cogwheel 24
SS gears +cogwheel 12
SSH SHIV SHAKTI +cogwheel 7
SSI surya +cogwheel 9, 10
SSMW +cogwheel & globe 7
ST +cogwheel 9
cogwheel 42
STAR brand +star & cogwheel 31
STEELAGE +cogwheel 6
STEELAGE +finger & cogwheel 21
STELMEC +cogwheel 42
STK +cogwheel 25
STR8-FIT +cogwheel 28
STS +star & cogwheel 9
SU +cogwheel 7, 37
SU AL BARAKA +cogwheel 16
SUB +cogwheel 27
SUB +cogwheel & circle 20, 21
SUB +triangle & cogwheel 7
SUDARSHAN papad +cogwheel 30
SUITEMONEY +cogwheel & oval 9
SUKH SUN +cogwheel 24
SUNDEEP +cogwheel 30
SUNLAC +cogwheel 2
SUNROSE +flower & cogwheel 24
SUNSHINE +cogwheel & face 16
SUNTEX +cogwheel 2
SUPER SCREWS +cogwheel 6
SUPERHOUSE +cogwheel 25
SUPERTECH AGRO +cogwheel 7
SURAJ auto lpg +cogwheel 12
SURESH +cogwheel 7
SURJO MAYA +cogwheel & oval 8
SURYA +cogwheel 7
SURYA +oval & cogwheel 9, 11
SURYA DOOR +cogwheel 35
SURYA gears +cogwheel 7
SURYANANDA +cogwheel 43
SV +cogwheel 7, 12
SV SACH TECH +cogwheel 9
SVB +cogwheel 20
SVEE +arrow & cogwheel 42
SVITM gwalior +cogwheel 41
SVR +cogwheel 30
SVT +cogwheel & arc 6
SWASA KALPA MP +cogwheel 5
cogwheel 7, 12
SYN-JEE +cogwheel 41
SYNDICATE +cogwheel & arcs 7
cogwheel 41
SYSTANG +cogwheel & spiral 42
SYSTEA +triangle & cogwheel 9
T +cogwheel & square 7, 8, 9, 12, 35, 37
T +oval cogwheel & arrows 41
T GERB +cogwheel 42
T TARGET +cogwheel 9
T TIGER +cogwheel & latch 6
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